It might be one of the last things you think about for advertising your business, but out-of-home advertising can have the upper hand over some other forms of traditional and digital advertising. We’ll dive into the advantages of billboard advertising in depth with additional blog entries over the coming weeks. For now, let’s just take a look at the many ways billboard advertising benefits your brand.
Advantages of Billboard Advertising
Here are our top 10 reasons why you should consider promoting your business with outdoor advertising. These factors give you an edge over your competitors and provide you with benefits no other marketing and sales tactic can offer.
Get Noticed
Our first advantage that comes with advertising your business on billboards is that they get your brand noticed. They’re situated in locations people can’t miss and pass routinely. In fact, many commuters will drive past your billboard ad every day, and may even see your message multiple times a day. And research shows that 70% of drivers deliberately look at billboards as they drive past.
Target a Location
Our next outdoor advertising benefit is related to geography and demographics. When you work with a billboard company like ours, you can strategically select the location where your ad will be displayed. For example, when a small business places its outdoor ad close to its physical location, they alert travelers who are looking for its services that they’re close by.
Capture Attention
Let’s face it. Americans love our cars, but getting from place to place can sometimes be a huge drag. Billboard advertising has an edge here because it appears to consumers at a time when they have far fewer distractions than when they encounter other forms of advertising. Drivers represent a captive audience, so capitalize on that!
Delight Your Customers
Because billboards provide a big canvas, they provide an opportunity for creating a genuinely unique and compelling advertising message. Plus, we offer a variety of ways to add something unexpected to your ad.
For example, digital billboards allow you to incorporate movement into your billboard ad. And we offer a variety of billboard add-on options that can take your design beyond two dimensions and the edges of the board’s face. With outdoor advertising, you can craft attention-grabbing designs that gets people talking about your brand.
Increase Impressions
Here in Western Pennsylvania, each of our billboard signs is seen by an over average of 25,000 drivers a day. And although there’s a good bit of public transportation in the city of Pittsburgh, most of us are getting from place to place in our cars. That means fewer people in our area are sitting on buses or trains – where they can do other things like read or even sleep! – than in some other markets.
Capitalize on Consumer Behavior to Drive Sales
Yet another way outdoor advertising has the edge over other marketing tactics is it places your brand in front of people when they may be thinking of little else – except maybe just surviving their commute. Behind the wheel, there are fewer things to distract us than there are in our homes and offices. And research shows that consumers are increasingly impulse driven. When they see your business message, they’re likely to “take the next exit” to your location – especially if your ad includes that instruction.
Reach a Larger, Broader Audience
There’s something to be said for advertising and other marketing tactics that target a specific demographic. However, it can also be advantageous to get your message in front of a broader variety of people who might be interested in your product or service. Plus, outdoor advertising doesn’t limit the raw number of people who see your ad. Unlike television advertising, for example, your audience isn’t limited to the people who are watching one specific channel among their 200 or so cable options and half dozen streaming services.
Attract New Customers
Again, targeted advertising has certain benefits. But unlike TV or digital ads, billboard advertising lets you showcase your brand in front of people who may be your ideal clients but wouldn’t otherwise learn about your business. Plus, as we alluded to above, a billboard near your location alerts drivers that you’re in the area and helps them navigate to your location. Furthermore, since 68% of people report that they make purchasing decisions from the driver’s seat, that brings us to….
Drive Traffic
Out-of-home advertising has been proven to drive both foot and online traffic to the businesses who use it. That is, billboards get people to visit you, either by finding you online or by driving to your location. As many as 32% of Americans say they have visited a business within seven days of encountering a billboard ad.
Kick It Old School
When we’re going through our mail, scrolling social media or shopping online, or watching TV, we expect to encounter a lot of advertising. To be bombarded with it, in fact. And many of us have learned to mentally tune it out or to run to the kitchen for a snack to minimize the number of marketing messages we have to suffer through on any given day. We believe this gives outdoor advertising a key advantage over other forms of promotion.
Billboard advertising can’t be turned off or tuned out. There are no add blockers or notification settings drivers can set to avoid seeing your ad. And outdoor advertising is out there, working for you twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. We think that can’t be beat.